Long Await Smashing Fun - 1
07-02-2020, 12:51 AM,
Long Await Smashing Fun - 1
Hello friends,<br/>Welcome to " LONG AWAIT SMASHING FUN" Part - 1.<br/>What you are going to read is a 100 % factual. This is my real life incident. It is a write up of what had happened in my life with my cousin brother wife. Hope you will enjoy the entire STORY. Before ending, I bet you, your one hand will reach your private part.<br/>Never expected in my life that, I will be lucky to have secret relationship with my loving bhabhi.<br/>Myself :- Aman from Punjab. I am 30 Years old. I am not sex addicted, but high on sexual urge. Due to work pressure, I am mostly mentally stressed and only physical sex made me release from work stress. I don't know what is sex, but in my opinion it is the best thing and best time of life but only then, if both the partners are agree to do.<br/>Bhabhi :- Her name Geeta. Age - 38 Years. Height - 5.4 Tall and bit chubby. Her beauty and charm are incomparable. Smart sexy lady with good looks. She lives in neighbours. She is very faithful lady. One thing guys, don't think if any lady is having extramarital affair, that she is bitch. All are having their physical needs. All ladies have right to live their life in their own way.<br/>Many guys from neighbour try to hit on her, but destiny was at my side. We both never have any wrong intention regarding each other, but time wants us to come close and have some wonderful time.<br/>Lets get into the story..<br/>It started happened in year 2003, I was just 16 years old and Geeta is 8 year older to me. Her home is not so far from my home, just 2 minutes walking distance. That time I had taken admission in far away from my home and shifted to hostel. As you all know I am high on the sexual urge, but not fucked much ladies, but love to watch porn, read hot real stories, which charge my sexual cells a lot. In starting there was not any wrong intention in our mind, but destiny wants us to come close. That time mobiles are not so common, but I was living in hostel my parents give me mobile very early.<br/>How we came close :- before going to hostel, daily after dinner I used to walk with my mother, same Geeta also used to walk with her mother in law. Daily we meet, I wished her Namaste and all to both of them. Same things start happening daily and it became to our routine. Some time her mother in law and my mother sits together after dinner (ladies talk), we use to walk together. That was the starting point of our relation. From that time we use to know about each other likes/ dislikes / birthday and all.<br/>Then I got shifted to hostel. Live changes a little. Lucky Day come, when I was having my birthday enjoying with my friends, and in evening I got a call from unknown number, a sweat voice came from other side, I got my birthday wish. Voice was very similar but I was not recognising. And then when she told her name, I was very happy and wished her thanks. She then told me that she purchase her first mobile phone, she took my number from my mom. She asked me about my college, I told her that I dint like the college, I am feeling bore here. Listing this, she use to call me often, as my mother also told bhabhi to talk me often, as I was not happy in college. She was treating me as her little brother, but destiny wants to be our relation to be something else.<br/>How we involve in relation :- bhabhi and her husband my cousin brother love each other a lot. Bro use to fuck her wildly daily in starting after marriage. Geeta was virgin before marriage, less knowledge about sex. But brother fucks her full full night. Two years they use to fuck like wild animals. Many times brother goes to home from his work in working time by making non-sense excuse and fucks her and get back to his office. Brother teaches bhabhi everything about sex. After two years, bhabhi got pregnant, her husband fucked her till 8 month of pregnancy. She gave birth to baby boy. And 2-3 months they not involved in intimacy. And brother got transfer to some other city. Geeta got busy in her child and family, one thing she was missing something. Time to time, she was getting frustrated. But nothing was in her hand. That time she needs anyone to console her. And same time her husband gifted mobile phone to her. That was time when she wished me on my birthday. As she was also feeling lonely, she use call me often in evening. This was my first time I was getting involve in some female. Slowly our relation start getting to new way, and we both knows we were now more than friends. Like this full year passed. There was nothing wrong between us, but phone call became our routine. Daily we use to talk three/ four times a day. And then one time come, her husband got promotion, but he had to shift to Delhi to his head office, far away from home. Soon he got shifted to New Delhi. He visit home only on weekends. Other side Geeta got alone and our phone calls shifts to night. Guys u all better know, at night nobody can do normal talks. Our talk start turning to adult talk. One day it was Sunday, we all friends in boys hostel were washing porn. My sexual hormones got charging up, that time I even don't know how to masturbate. My dick was little paining due to hardness. That night when I was talking to Geeta, she asked my day routine. I explain her everything, also told her that my penis is paining. She got understand why it is paining. That was the first time that I am talking something fishy with her. She said in naughty way that my little boy is becoming man. I didn't understand that time. I was not understanding her words, but I was getting little shy, as different feeling was generating in me.<br/>G - do one thing, hold your penis in your hand and shake it. You will get relief.<br/>Me - what ?.<br/>G - where are you right now ??<br/>Me - bed.<br/>G - don't do here, go to wash room.<br/>Me - I am feeling rest less, why cant I do here ?<br/>G - it will spoil your cloth dear.<br/>Me - ok, I call you back in 10 minutes.<br/>G - call me after doing, I am waiting<br/>Me - ok. Guys that was first time I had done masturbate. Awesome feeling. I came back on bed called bhabhi. I was feeling shy that time.<br/>G - Done, relaxed ??<br/>Me - yes very relaxed. Mazza aa geya<br/>G - she started laughing listing my words. Tell me truth, is this your first time ??'<br/>Me - I said yes, seriously, today first time I had seen porn, done first time.<br/>This type of conversation started between us.<br/>Whenever I come to home on weekends, she use to come out side of her home and we see each other, feelings were different. We want to feel / touch each other but we both were scared, no one was taking initiative.<br/>Times moves on, two years passed like this. All shyness between us was gone, but we still we have not touched each other. On one fine weekend I normally went to her home, I met her mother in law and wished her. My eyes were searching bhabhi. I asked her about bhabhi ?. She told me Geeta is in kitchen. I went to kitchen, bhabhi got shocked to see me, and was happy too. Her mother in law was sitting in drawing room, from kitchen drawing room is visible but from drawing room kitchen is not visible. I took that lucky opportunity, went close to her touched her waist. She got a current in her body, by eyes she said me to stop. When she turns to my side, I directly put my lips on her, kiss turns in smooch. That was my first smooch of my life. We then hugged. I want more. Our heartbeat was running very fast. But I controlled my self and went to drawing room and got sitted with MIL. She asked me about my studies, she told her all questions, but my mind was not coming out of smooch. Again I said to her MIL, I want to drink water. But her MIL asked Geeta to give water to me. I became little dull. But Geeta understood my clue, and said her hands are not clean, asked Aman to take water from kitchen itself please. While listening her, I replied not an issue bhabhi, then her MIL smiled and said go and have water from kitchen. I slowly went to kitchen, guys bhabhi was already waiting for me their, we indulge in long smooch, we both were not caring for anybody. Saliva got exchanged. All these things happening first time in my life.<br/>In 2005, in family marriage function. She had weared sleeveless saree, with back little open. When I see her, my mouth was wide open, she was looking dam sexy. My little brother was taking his full length. We came cross each other,<br/>Me = I was secretly checking to get glimpse of her boobs and ass.<br/>G = She notice me looking at her and give a sweat smile to me, and came little more close to me and asked, how I was looking ?<br/>Me = dam sexy. Wanna kiss your open parts. Smiled at her<br/>G = as how you are seeing me I was expecting this answer only,<br/>Me = I was quite, you are looking the odd one out today. Even bride is not looking as good as you.<br/>G = shut up, give a little smile.<br/>Me = I want to kiss you.<br/>G = naughtily, that's upto you. Who says no to you.<br/>Me = guys, listing her words I got restless. My body needs her touch. My condition was like - my favourite sweet dish is in front of me but I cannot eat or even taste her.<br/>As it was family function, I was little busy as we are from bride side, but my eyes was on bhabhi too. She was also trying to stay near me. Our eyes were catching each other. Mostly guests start going after dinner, only family members were left in hotel.<br/>At one time when all members were busy in ceremonies, Geeta bhabhi wants to go washroom. She asked brother to join her, but he gives her room eyes, as she wants to check her makeup too. And left marriage hall without my notice. Same time when bhabhi left, her MIL wants something from room for ceremony. She asked Sandeep (bhabhi hubby)to bring bag from the room, Sandeep was also busy that time and as I was standing there, Sandeep asked me to go to there room and bring that material and said keys are with Geeta, she had already gone their. I was very happy, couldn't believe my luck. Silly husband is sending me to taste his sexy wife..<br/>Me =I walk slow out of the hall, but then rush to room very fast and knocked the door.<br/>G = opened the door and shocked to see me. You??<br/>Me = pushed inside her, locked the door. Pushed her to wall and smooched.<br/>G = resisting. Anyone can come. Please stop and leave the room.<br/>Me = your hubby had send me for that bag. I rushed here very fast, so I can some wonderful minutes with you. And start kissing her neck. I was little rough. Turned her face to wall, smelled her back, your body fragrance is making me mad. Kissed her open back. I was getting wild.<br/>G = again she turned around and hugged me tightly. And said in morning your brother had fucked me wildly, and that time I was assuming you. You changed a faithful wife to cheating wife.<br/>Me = oh don't say like this, I am getting mad listing your words. Do something to me, love me baby.<br/>G = smooched me again, same time she took her one hand to chest and start opening my shirt buttons. She took her lips away, open my 2-3 buttons, put her lips on my chest and gave me love bite.<br/>Me = I was dum stuck, full pleasurable time. After love bite we hugged again.<br/>G = happy now. ?<br/>Me = hmm, I want to masturbate. I cannot hold it anymore. Please help me.<br/>G = we are not having buko time, anybody can come. You remain here and make yourself relax. I am going to marriage hall.<br/>Me = at least please touch my banana (dick) once. Please<br/>G = you became naughty. Took her one hand and pressed 2-3 times on trouser. And was trying to go back.<br/>Me = I hold her hand, and said not like this. I opened the zip of the trouser and bring it out with very difficulties, it is in maximum length that time.<br/>G = shocked to see my dick. You are mad. Come near me and smooched me and kept hand on my dick, and start shaking.<br/>Me = kept my both hands on her boobs and start pressing. Within other minute someone knocked the door we came in our senses, hurriedly I went to washroom and other side Geeta took a minute to cool down and open the door. It was my cousin sister. She came to called bhabhi. Seeing bhabhi she said what happens are you alright. Bhabhi said yes I am fine and said lets go and locked the door.<br/>Guys I was locked inside. I was getting very nervous. Only bhabhi knows about me. My mind was blank. I can only wait that time.<br/>I try to called bhabhi, she disconnect my call. I can understand her problem. After I minute, Geeta called me and said her maid is coming to open the door. Be calm and disconnect the call. So within minutes, I was in hall too. Bhabhi seeing me in hall gets a big relief (that she tells me later). We didn't take more risk in marriage.<br/>After that marriage a rumour spread regarding bhabhi and me. I don't know if anybody seen us in marriage, people were talking about us. After that day, we try to live away from each other. I don't want to hurt her personal life, I never forced her to call. (In Indian culture everyone blame female). But we always remain touch in through messages, daily calls turns to weekly call, then to monthly calls.<br/>We got busy in our families.<br/><br/>INTERVAL.<br/>After 12 Years :-<br/><br/>In 2017, her husband got an offer to visit Canada for 2 year by his company. He was not willing to go due to his family. He wants to take family along him, but as per immigration norms, his family paper works were incomplete and company want to send him as soon as possible. Sandeep (bhabhi husband) talked Geeta about this, and she was happy listing about Canada. She did not want her hubby to skip this opportunity, wants him to go for good future. Sandeep got agree then. Within 15 days, he left for Canada.<br/>Sandeep left in Feb -2017. Geeta got busy in her family and kids.<br/>Geeta got alone now. Once Geeta normally scrolling on facebook, she open messenger and seeing me online (we are friends on facebook) and messaged :-<br/>G = hi ??<br/>Me = seeing her message I got smile on my face and wished her good wishes.<br/>G = how are you and how is life going on??<br/>Me = I am good and enjoying too. You tell ??<br/>G = I am also good.<br/>Me = how is brother in Canada??<br/>G = he is fine and enjoying life at his fullest.<br/>Me = I think you are not happy, wait I will call you in 2 minutes.<br/>G = ok<br/>Me = voice call.<br/>G = start crying.<br/>Me = what happens?? Why are you crying.<br/>G = I am feeling very alone here. I don't want to live.<br/>Me = first stop crying please. I make her calm talked to her for long one hour.<br/>G = she become normal, and asked about my life.<br/>We talked about normal things, soon Geeta start laughing. Daily I stated calling her, and we are again coming close. Thanks to whatsApp our friendship began again and grew intimate in very short time.<br/>One day, she surprised me saying that soon she shifting to Mohali, I was little happy for her. We talked for long 30 minutes<br/>Her mother lives in Mohali, she often visit her mother. Her mother want Geeta to shift with her, as she is also living alone. Geeta talked to Sandeep regarding shifting to Mohali, Sandeep got agree as her son wants to take admission in Chandigarh. So after march session that was final that Geeta with her kids are shifting to Mohali. Soon in April they got shifted to Mohali. She got busy in admissions and other stuffs.<br/>Her mother introduced her to her neighbours, and she got her new friends in neighbour, even she also joins kitty (female get-together ). She got use to Mohali life style. Evening she daily starts going to park with her friends and for chit- chat. All ladies were 35 +, Mature enough to talk anything. From all of them two ladies becomes her close ones. Pooja and Preeti. Both were working. Pooja is doing teaching job and Preeti is bank employ.<br/>Already she had told me about Pooja and Preeti life to me, I normally asked her, how is your friends ?? Are Pooja enjoying morning ride ??<br/>Geeta = yes very much.<br/><br/>MORNING RIDE :-<br/>Other side, Geeta also know that something is missing in her life, but she was scared of family and Indian culture. Frankly saying, she is very faithful lady, but all females have their desires, which is not in their control.<br/>All kitty members make a outing program to visit Amritsar on weekend. (Saturday + Sunday). On Saturday they left, full day was spent visiting Amritsar, at night as their hotel were booked, they three had taken single room.<br/>Preeti = asked normally to Geeta, how she take care of herself as your husband in Canada,<br/>Geeta = told them everything, its very difficult time. But not having any other option.<br/>ONE THING FRIENDS POOJA IS IN EXTRAMARITAL AFFAIR, AND PREETI IS A LESBIAN.<br/>Pooja = told about her extramarital affair, she never want to cheat her husband, but time made me to cheat. I loves her husband very much, but needs are needs. Before my affair my behaviour was getting irritable as my husband discharged very early, sometimes in boobs sucking only. I was getting irritated. Then I shared this thing with Preeti, she said this is due to your body needs and in result I get involved in extramarital sex, and I am very happy now.<br/>Geeta = Pooja with whom she had an affair.<br/>Pooja = Sameer. He lives in Chandigarh, (10 minutes way from my home). There is one secret of Preeti also.<br/>Geeta = shocked and asked is she is also having boyfriend ?<br/>Pooja and Preeti both start laughing.<br/>Geeta = asked what happened ?.<br/>Pooja = said Preeti is in lesbian relation.<br/>Geeta = got shocked and directly her eyes turns to Preeti side and said what.<br/>Preeti = said what happens, why are getting panic listing this, I not going to rape you sweetheart.<br/>Three of all started laughing.<br/>Geeta = asked with whom,<br/>Preeti = she is my colleague in college. Earlier she was my roommate too, when we were in college. Our relation is more than 7 years.<br/>Geeta = lgta hai mein hi peeche reh gayi.<br/>They all started laughing again.<br/>Geeta = getting little bit open, and said that she also wants to be loved by someone, but afraid of family and Indian culture. Then she told the story of me (Aman) and Herself (Geeta), how neighbour spread the rumour regarding me and Geeta. Geeta gets quite for a second.<br/>Pooja = now you are in Mohali dear, no one having time to see what is happening in neighbour. Be cool here, enjoy your life.<br/>Pooja shared one more secret that 2-3 times Pooja too had done lesbian sex with Preeti.<br/>Geeta = was dumb struck and said what, where and how ??<br/>Pooja = yaar actually Preeti always shared their lesbian story to her, I was little bit aroused. She wants me to try once, but I always give negative response to Preeti.<br/>One fine day, my full family had to go to some family function, that days was the closing days of financial years, and no holiday.. I was alone at home, so I planned to stay at Preeti house that night. That night I was little tired. My full body was paining.<br/>Preeti = asked me seeing my face what happens ??,<br/>Pooja = my body is paining. As a friend Preeti start pressing my legs, further Preeti will explain, now Geeta and pooja both eyes were on Preeti,.<br/>Preeti = I am getting aroused.<br/>Pooja = you are always aroused and ready. All laughed together.<br/>Preeti = then continued, that day Pooja had weared Lower T-shirt. Being kind, I was just pressing her legs, my hands were touching thigh.<br/>Preeti = Pooja how is Sameer (boyfriend).<br/>Pooja = He is good, daily asking me to meet. I asked him to meet today he is out of station today. Today is very good chance of full night, we missed it. ,<br/>Preeti = normally asked Pooja to spend a night with her,<br/>Pooja = she is already.<br/>Preeti = in my way dear.<br/>Pooja = understood her words, and said no thanks.<br/>Preeti = you will enjoy, try it once.<br/>Pooja = thinks for minute, if I don't like you have to stop in between, and you will not force me in future.<br/>Preeti = ok baby, everything is acceptable.<br/>Pooja = smilingly then seduce me and make me horny.<br/>Geeta was listing in very interesting way.<br/>Preeti = start kissing her legs, and took her lower to her knees, and start touching her legs. Then removed her lower completely, taking full care of her legs. While kissing her legs, Preeti start touching her vagina.<br/>Pooja = was completely aroused.<br/>Preeti = asked Pooja to take your arm up, I am going to remove your t-shirt. And soon Pooja was only in her panty. Preeti was very experienced and within no time Preeti was in her birth suit. Soon Pooja body was under Preeti body. Starting with smooch, Preeti took full care of her neck, shoulders, boobs, underarms, etc.<br/>Pooja = completely aroused and enjoying her touch.<br/>Preeti = took her mouth near her ears and asked R you enjoying or May I stop here ?? Then Preeti got shocked listing pooja reply,,<br/>Pooja = remove my panty and suck me down..<br/>Preeti = obeyed Pooja words. Doing Pooja legs wide apart, Preeti start kissing her vagina, stating licking like dog eating ice cream. Loud moans were coming from Pooja mouth. Soon Pooja discharged in Preeti mouth. As Preeti was well experienced in this act, that was not new to her.<br/>Pooja = little ashamed.<br/>Preeti = hugged Pooja. They remained in this position for minutes. And asked will you suck me down.<br/>Pooja = big no. Please<br/>Preeti = took one hand of Pooja and put it on her boobs, at least here.. Please..<br/>Pooja = became quite,<br/>Preeti = hugged her tight.<br/>Pooja = kissed Preeti neck, sucked her boobs, kissed her stomach and hugged her again and said its enough please.<br/>Preeti = took one hand of Pooja and put it on her vagina, ask her to finger her. Same thing preeti start doing with pooja vagina. Preeti kept her lips on Pooja lips and start smooching, and fingering each other. Within minutes they both got discharged, satisfied and relaxed..<br/>BACK TO PRESENT<br/>Geeta was very aroused but not showing to Pooja and Preeti.<br/>Geeta = asked Pooja that which touch you like most (boyfriend or girlfriend).<br/>Pooja = Sameer (boyfriend). Male touch is awesome. With Preeti love is also good/ satisfactory or change of taste, but DICK IS DICK. Nothing can compare to male dick.<br/>Geeta - who licks better ??<br/>Preeti - someone is aroused and taking interest.<br/>Geeta - no no, not like this, normally asking.<br/>Pooja - oh really, see your face in mirror it is blushing. We can read everything from your face.<br/>Preeti - Geeta when you had done last time ??<br/>Geeta - almost 2 years.<br/>Pooja - R u serious ?? Its difficult for me to spent 2 weeks without sex and you are saying, you had not done from 2 years.<br/>Geeta - hmm. No words..<br/>Preeti - May I help you dear ??<br/>Geeta - No thanks with smiling..<br/>Pooja - Geeta don't waste your life, time is running. Find a boy and have fun in your life.<br/>Geeta - Geeta was quite.<br/>Pooja - I am not saying you to cheat your husband. Do for your physical needs. But one thing boys here are dogs. They can blackmail too.<br/>Geeta - I know. Tell me Pooja about Sameer and you ??<br/>Pooja - what do you want to know?? Our sex life ??<br/>Geeta - whatever you are comfortable too??<br/>Pooja = Mostly we do morning sex. I used to go on morning walk daily at 5 AM. Whenever we want to enjoy he picks me from park and took me his room.<br/>Geeta = daily ?<br/>Pooja = depends on our urge. But do only safe sex.<br/>Geeta = your family did not doubt??<br/>Pooja = time we meet, nobody can doubt. According to them, I am going for morning walk. Nobody gets up before 6:30/ 7 AM. Before that I always back to home.<br/>Geeta = smart lady. Enjoying morning sex.<br/>Pooja = ya you can say. Every phase of life is going well.<br/>Geeta = had you ever spent full night with him.<br/>Pooja = Many times dear, Once office send me to other bank branch in Jalandhar for audit, I had to stay for 3 days their and daily I cant go back to home as it is too far from Jalandhar, I was staying in hotel for three days and that time Sameer join me in Jaladhar and I dint remember how many times he fucks me, sleepless nights.<br/>Geeta - so you are enjoying life to the fullest.<br/>Pooja = truly saying I enjoy my life with my family only. I love to spent time with my family. I never called Sameer full day, neither he. That's why we only meet early morning. Frankly saying physical needs make me to meet Sameer, nothing else, we both are not in love. We both just satisfy our physical needs.<br/>Preeti = interrupt in between, said there is one more secret of Pooja and Sameer ?<br/>Geeta = any secret still left??<br/>Pooja = understand Preeti words and get little shy.<br/>Preeti = seeing Pooja, may I tell??<br/>Pooja = smiling way, once I got pregnant by Sameer.<br/>Geeta = what, seriously. Then<br/>Pooja = I was little tense, one thing my hubby don't use condom and that is plus point. I talked to him about pregnancy. He said its upto you that want this child or not. I was little nervous.<br/>Geeta = why<br/>Pooja = I want child but not from Sameer, so without anything seriously thinking regarding this, I finalise to go for abortion.<br/>Geeta = okay. You don't use precaution with Sameer ??<br/>Pooja = we use, yaar actually last year Sameer shift to south side for some office project for two months. After two weeks my urge was getting out of control. Even I seduce my hubby also something wild but same thing, he sucks my boobs and in two three strokes he got discharged. And doing second time in same night is far away from him. That time I was helpless. How I passed that days only I know. After one month sameer called me saying that he is coming today. We can meet tomorrow. I was more than happy. Listing his words, I was over joy. He came in night, next day early morning, he pick me from park and we had our life best session. Even he asked me to spend more time. We have already done three times, bu, we both want more. That day first time I went to bank and take leave saying that I am not well, and went to Sameer apartment. We fucked like there is no tomorrow. That day we got so indulge in intercourse, we don't want to get apart and discharged inside me. This happens two times that day and in result I got pregnant.<br/>Geeta = listing your stories, I am getting wet. It will better to sleep now.<br/>Pooja = ok dear. Good night.. Have sexual dreams.<br/>Three of all start laughing and slept.<br/>Once Preeti and Geeta spend a night together.. That night Geeta got a new experience.<br/>PLEASURE AFTER 12 YEARS.<br/>Voice calls become our normal routine, we were enough close to talk anything. We talked about sex, but we both never show our desires. One time we were doing voice call at night, and we were talking about sex and desires,<br/>Me = truly saying bhabhi all boys are dog, and I am one of them. I have not fucked anybody from last three months, and right now I am desperate to fuck anybody. If you come in front of me I will forgot our relation and fucked you.<br/>G = same condition is with me, maybe I am wrong, but I am so desperate to be fucked I cant express in words. In park one man is daily eying me. I know he wants to talk to me. But he is dumbo, even not having power to talk to a lady.<br/>Me = oh you are already in search of...<br/>G = smiling<br/>. What you want to say??<br/>Me = cum on you are not a kid.<br/>G = you are shameless. But whatever is there in your mind, you are right.<br/>Me = bhabhi I don't want to stop you, whatever you want to do, do it very carefully.<br/>That day, one thing is clear. Geeta is so desperate for sex that if anybody will force himself on her, she cannot resist him. One plus point, this thing is only known to me.<br/>One day on voice call :=<br/>G = tomorrow you can come to Mohali, I want to go to Chandigarh for some shopping.<br/>Me = ok I will try, will tell you till evening. You all will go?<br/>G = no no, I am alone. Son is going on school trip and mom is going to her elder daughter house. I am alone till evening. Wants some outing.<br/>Me = listing her words, smile come on my face. She wants to meet me alone. I can have chance tomorrow. Ok I will come.<br/>G = Now You got agree within second. Naughty mind. What is in your mind?<br/>Me =don't worry, whatever is there my mind, that will be good for us. How can I miss a golden chance of meeting you alone. I will there at 10 AM. OK BYE. Will Catch you tomorrow.<br/>In evening I purchased a pack of condoms and a tablet (viagra). That night was very long.<br/><br/>Curiosity begins.. Hope you are eager to know or read next part. It will be published soon. If you like please do comments and give me feedback.<br/><br/>Feel free to message me. Your involvement would me met with our utmost appreciation.<br/><br/>Waiting for your comments.. ([email protected])<br/>You can also connect me on HANGOUTS.<br/>Thanks.

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