Desi Indian Sex Stories
04-03-2017, 06:44 PM,
RE: Desi Indian Sex Stories
A Special Mother

Chapter 2

"I know something's goin' on, Mrs. Baylor," Mitzi said. "Something's
goin' on and I want to know what it is."

"Why Mitzi," Rita said. "I have no idea what you're talking about. Sit
down and tell me what's bothering you."

Mitzi dropped into a chair in the living room, then she sprang back up.

"Goddammit!" she shouted. "Tommy's been giving me the cold shoulder. It
isn't like him."

"Tommy has good taste. Maybe he doesn't like you."

"Don't give me any of that shit. Dammit, I need him."

So you've finally decided to be forthright, thought Rita. Actually, the
girl had attempted to make herself presentable. Maybe it wasn't her
fault her stockings were baggy, her slip showed, and nothing fit well,
making her look like a young street whore. She had obviously tried, and
it was an improvement.

"I know there's something goin' on between you and Tommy. Believe me, I
could make trouble for you ... a lot of trouble."

Not likely. There would be a lot to prove and no way to prove it. Still,
the little bitch could make it awkward. No point in starting a war.

"Mitzi, I ... I think I know what you're going through. I was young
myself once. Believe me, I know what it's like to have an ache in my

The little bitch stared. "You do?"

"Certainly. A woman has sexual needs, much like a man has. There are
ways to take care of those needs."

"Oh no, I'm not gonna finger my cunt!"

"You don't have to. You can relieve those aching feelings in other ways.
And it doesn't have to be with a man."

Mitzi's face was blank.

"My husband passed away over a year ago. Since then, I haven't felt like
remarrying. There are other ways. There are other women in need."

"I dunno," said Mitzi. "I couldn't just go to my girlfriend and say
let's fuck."

"Well, you might get bolder in time. Meanwhile, I'll show you how to
relieve that ache."

Rita stood before the girl and held the top button of her dress in her
fingers. Mitzi towered over her, five-feet-eight, at least. The girl's
face colored while Rita opened one button after another, working down to
the hem. When the garment hung open, Rita peeled it back off the
brunette's shoulders and let it fall to the floor.

"Let's take turns undressing each other," Rita said. "It's your turn to
take off my dress."

Rita turned, and Mitzi fumbled with the zipper in back and drew it down
to her ass. The girl's fingers trembled and one nail was rough on her
shoulder as she peeled the dress off to fall in a billowing pile of
cloth around Rita's feet. Rita stepped out of it.

Mitzi's slip was a disgrace to womanhood, shapeless as it was, and Rita
was glad to pull it off over the girl's head and toss it away.

Mitzi's hands were more sure as she lifted Rita's slip by the hem,
tugged to get it clear of her tits, and pulled it over her head.

"My God!" Mitzi said, staring.

"What's wrong, Mitzi?"

Mitzi's eyes scanned from Rita's hips up to her face. "My God, Mrs.
Baylor. You're beautiful."

"Thank you, Mitzi ... and why don't you call me Rita? I'd like to
reserve judgment on you, but you're looking better the closer I come to
getting you naked."

Mitzi did have a nice color to her skin, just a trace of olive. If only
she would use a few lotions to keep it from drying out.

Rita drew the cups of Mitzi's bra together slightly, released the hook,
and pulled the garment free of the girl's tits, letting them spring
forth and sag. They were good-looking tits, much bigger than Rita's,
with rounded brown nipples. Rita squeezed them gently and the girl's
lower lip trembled slightly while she looked uncertain.

Taking her hands away and smiling, Rita offered her tits. Mitzi's nails
were rough on the tender flesh of her tits, but she didn't seem to be
trying to hurt her. Just awkward.

When Mitzi discarded Rita's bra, there was admiration in her eyes as she
looked at the woman's firm tits. The girl's own tits jiggled with her
irregular breathing.

Excitement welled in Rita for the first time as she held Mitzi by the
waist, just above her garter belt, and then worked her hands out on her
hips and inside the waistband of her panties, peeling the thin nylon
garment down off the swell of her pussy-mound, exposing her wedge of
thick cunt-hair and the lips of her cunt. While pulling her panties down
on her legs, she slipped a finger into the warm, moist flesh inside the
pouting lips of her cunt. Mitzi sucked her breath in with a rasp.

Rita smiled and wiggled her ass while Mitzi pulled her panties down. The
girl had no desire to slowly reveal the unknown. She simply pulled
Rita's panties down on her legs and let them fall around her ankles,
then Rita stepped out of them.

Rita was eager to make love, but there was something she had to do
first. Mitzi's baggy stockings were hideous ... and it was unnecessary.

"Let me straighten your stockings for you," Rita said as she knelt
before the girl.

Mitzi stood awkwardly in high heels while Rita worked the loose nylon up
on her legs. While she shortened the garters to hold them in place, Rita
looked closely at the girl's young body. Mitzi was a shapely girl. With
a little care and education in how to dress, she could be a charming,
beautiful girl.

With Mitzi's stockings drawn smooth and in nice contrast to her skin
color, Rita stood and put one arm around the girl's waist, the other on
her back. She stretched as tall as she could and lightly pressed her
pointed tits up against the girl's softer tits and tipped her head up.
Mitzi's arms went around Rita's waist just as Rita reached out with her

Their tongues touched, and Mitzi rolled her ass, brushing her cunt-hair
over Rita's belly. Rita drew her breath in with a gasp as she tucked her
ass in and rocked her hips, bringing her cunt up, closer to Mitzi's.

The soft edges of their cunt-lips touched. Mitzi sighed and tightened
her grip on Rita's waist. Rita put her hand on the girl's arm and
loosened her grip. No point in coming on with the strength of a man. If
she was going to get her to forget Tommy, she would have to make her
appreciate the soft, tender touch of a woman.

Rita worked her hard nipples around lightly on Mitzi's soft tits. She
kept her mouth from touching the girl's, just touched the tips of their
tongues together.

She slipped her fingers down on Mitzi's hips and caressed the soft
flesh, then worked her hands out on the cheeks of her ass, spreading
them gently.

Mitzi seemed to take the cue and just held the hollows of Rita's waist
in her hands, rocking her hips slightly, brushing the lips of her cunt
with her own cunt-lips.

Finally, the girl lightly touched her lips to Rita's and slipped her
tongue into her mouth.

Rita let the girl take control of her mouth while she held Mitzi's hips,
and put her knees inside hers. Spreading Mitzi's thighs slightly, she
rolled her own hips up and brought the pouting edge of her cunt-lips up
between the girl's.

Mitzi gasped and staggered slightly.

Rita put a steadying arm under her elbow and said, "Let's use the rug."

Mitzi asked, "What if Tommy comes in?"

"He won't. Not for hours. Meantime, it's just you and me. Oh Mitzi, I
love your soft touch."

"Me too, Mrs. Baylor ... I mean, Rita. You're so beautiful ... and

"Let's take turn being on the bottom," Rita said, kneeling on the rug.
"Why don't you take first turn on your back."

Rita straddled Mitzi's shoulders, wondering how she was going to carry
out the task she'd assigned herself. She'd never gone down on a woman in
her life. She'd hated other women with a vengeance, would have nothing
to do with them, not even so much as a cup of coffee. Men were more to
her liking. Well, the little bitch couldn't be much more complicated
than a man.

Holding the girl's nylon-clad thighs spread wide, Rita brought her mouth
down to her cunt. Ignoring the fishy smell, she put her tongue inside
the spread pussy-lips and licked down the length of her cunt.

Mitzi started rolling her hips, bringing the cunt-flesh up past Rita's

After a time, Rita stopped and worked her fingers deep in the girl's
cunt, holding the flesh spread. She put her mouth to her pussy and
worked the tip of her tongue in the cunt-slit.

She thrust her tongue deep and lapped up and down the slit, licking the
girl's cunt over and over and over. Mitzi tilted her hips toward her
face and wiggled her ass. Soon she started cooing and whining with the
rhythm of Rita's tongue.

Then Rita arched her tongue down and slowly probed, just under her

Mitzi bucked her ass high, tossing Rita's face from her cunt.

Rita got her tongue back in the girl's cunt-lips and again probed toward
her clit.


Rita licked back to her fuck-hole, then drew away. "You've got me so
hot, just tonguing your nice pussy. Let's switch positions."

"Okay, Rita. God, but I like your tongue in my cunt."

Rita lay on her back and spread her legs while Mitzi straddled her
shoulders. While awkward hands struggled with the lips of her cunt, Rita
compared their bodies. Her thighs and her ass were heavier than Mitzi's,
streamlined build .... something to do with an age difference of twenty
years. Other than that, she had it all over the youngster. Her tits,
though smaller, were firm and, even lying on her back, stuck straight
out. Her pale-pink skin was soft and free of any wrinkles. Her waist was
even smaller than the young girl's. The years had been good to her.

Mitzi's tongue touched Rita's cunt. The girl's awkward tongue-strokes
were rough as she imitated the treatment Rita had given her. While her
treatment was rough, it wasn't unpleasant, and Rita's hips went to
rocking with Mitzi's tongue as the girl licked through the length of her

Then Mitzi stopped and her fingers probed Rita's cunt again. A
fingernail against the tender flesh of her inner pussy-folds made Rita

After mauling her tender flesh a long time without effect, Mitzi looked
back between her tits.

"I'm sorry, Rita. Your cunt's just so little, I can't get inside."

"That's okay, Mitzi. I have an idea. Why don't you roll over for a

While Mitzi rolled out of the way, Rita took the thick cushions off the
couch and arranged them in two piles on the rug, about three feet apart.
She knelt on the two stacks, and then leaned down with her hands on the
rug, letting her knees spread wide. Under her body weight, her thighs
spread wider and wider, bringing her ass down.

Rita looked back under herself. Her thighs were spread straight out and
horizontal, and the outer lips of her cunt were spread wide.

"There, now I'll bet you can spread me open."

There was awe in Mitzi's voice as she said, "Gee, Rita. I hope I'm in as
good a shape as you when I get to be your age."

Mitzi got on her back and scooted to where her face was under Rita's
spread cunt. Rita rested her tits on the girl and spread her legs wide.

She got Mitzi's cunt-slit open and her tongue inside. Mitzi's tongue
thrust deep then and brought with it a beautiful wave of tingling heat.

Even stretched out flat between cushions, Rita couldn't keep her hips
from rocking each time Mitzi's tongue ventured forth. She put her tongue
deep in Mitzi's pussy and lapped back. Mitzi rolled her ass up, trying
to make her cunt follow Rita's tongue.

Rita arched her tongue down and probed just inside the girl's cunt-lips,
moving as slowly and gently as possible.

Her tongue barely touched the nub of Mitzi's clit. Mitzi rolled her hips
up, holding her ass high as long as Rita touched her clit. Rita drew her
tongue back, and the girl's ass settled back.

She touched her clit again and slowly ran her tongue around and around
on the nub, barely touching it. Mitzi's ass rose and quivered all the

Rita jerked at the electric flash that shot through her cunt. Mitzi's
tongue hit her clit ... too hard ... again.

Again and again, Mitzi hit her tongue on her clit. Mercifully, there
were several seconds between tongue-strokes when the aching jolt changed
to nice tingling warmth ... Then again the jolt.

Mitzi had to be trying to please her. She just didn't know any better.
Rita couldn't dislike her for trying. Now, if the girl were living with
her, she could teach her how to be gentle, how to take care of her body,
how to dress well, how to be a real lady. That would be a pleasure.

Rita shook her head and went back to working her tongue around and
around on her clit. She was there to relieve the dumb girl's boy-happy
ache in her cunt. Then the bitch would leave Tommy alone.

Mitzi's ass rose higher and higher, bringing her cunt up harder against
Rita's mouth. The girl couldn't be far from coming. As for her own clit,
Mitzi was hitting it so hard, she was making it less sensitive. There
was just the aching jolt each time her tongue hit, over and over.

Now Mitzi jerked higher each time Rita ran her fingers over her clit.
Each time she jerked, her hips shuddered in Rita's hands.

Then the girl arched her back high and her cunt-juice flowed over Rita's
tongue, into her mouth. Rita held her tongue in place and swallowed the
sweet cum as fast as it flowed.

When her cunt-juice stopped flowing and her ass had settled back to the
rug, Mitzi said, "You didn't come, Rita. Did I do it wrong?"

"It takes me longer, Mitzi ... but yes, you hit my clit too hard with
your tongue. That makes it less sensitive."

"I'm sorry. I'll try to do it right."

Mitzi put her warm tongue back against Rita's cunt and pushed the
cunt-lips apart, a little more gently this time. Her tongue probed out,
slipping through the warm flesh, bringing its own tingling warmth
wherever it went.

Rita jerked her hips down as the girl's tongue touched her clit, still
too hard, but not so hard as to give her a painful jolt.

Mitzi drew her tongue away, then slipped it forth, barely moving it
inside her cunt-lips.

A warm glow built in her cunt as the tip of the girl's tongue barely
touched her clit. She worked her tongue around and around in *****
circles, bringing waves of the glowing warmth each time her tongue
passed over the sensitive nub.

The girl had found the technique, her tongue was as gentle as it had
been in Rita's mouth. It made Rita's ass gyrate slightly as she lay
spread over the girl's mouth.

Rita brushed her own flowing blonde hair away from Mitzi's pussy and
looked down at it closely. The cunt-folds were spread wide and the
fuck-hole was open a little. She put two fingers inside and spread her
cunt-lips wider, exposing the clit.

Like a miniature cock, the red-tipped organ was coming erect under her
eyes. If she could get her own lips inside the girl's pussy-slit, she
could suck her clit. Her cunt wasn't that big, but it looked big enough
to stretch her cunt-gash open at the top where the cunt-lips grew

Being careful not to hurt her, Rita drew the moist, tender flesh out,
turning Mitzi's cunt-lips inside out. The clit was protruding right
under her mouth.

Rita put her lips over the girl's little clit. While she sucked it
gently, Mitzi tensed her hips and her ass rose slightly. So as to not
disturb her, Rita barely touched her tongue to the nub. She ran the tip
of her tongue around and around on the clit, and the girl's ass gyrated
on the rug.

Mitzi's tongue was bringing the swell of glowing warmth in her cunt
higher. It wasn't like the rising and falling waves of tingling heat
from being fucked, it was the ever-rising swell of a single tidal wave,
drawing her higher and higher.

Mitzi snorted and heaved her ass up. The youngster couldn't be far from
coming again. Well, neither was Rita. The glowing warmth her cunt rose

Rita tensed as her cunt started flowing. She pressed her tongue a little
harder on Mitzi's clit and drew her tongue around in a circle.

Mitzi arched rigidly and her cunt-juice let go. Rita let the girl's
cunt-lips turn back inside and kept her mouth on the slit, swallowing
the hot cunt-cum as it pumped out.

Mitzi had taken Rita's cum as it flowed from her cunt. When it stopped
pumping, the girl drew away, and Rita brought her ass up and her knees
closer together on the cushions. Her hip joints ached from being spread
flat for so long.

She put her knees down on the rug, knocked the cushions aside and lay
down beside the girl.

Mitzi's warm fingers stroked the soft flesh of her hip. Rita closed her
eyes and held the girl's head in her hands, stroking her tangled hair.

Her strength flowed from her body as she lay holding the girl, this girl
with the warm tender body, this girl with the busy tongue, too rough at
first, then delightfully delicate.

What kind of troubles had Mitzi endured, to be eighteen and still so
uncouth? What kind of mother did she have that wouldn't help her to be a
lady? Well, that was none of Rita's business. Her only business was to
satisfy the bitch sexually so she would keep her hands off Tommy.

After a while, lying against Mitzi's warm body, strength returned to
Rita's legs. She opened her eyes and stretched, and Mitzi smiled at her.

"That was really nice, Rita."

"The pleasure was mine, Mitzi. I'll be glad to do this anytime you ...
well, anytime you have this aching feeling that needs relief."

"Thank you," Mitzi said. "I guess I'd better get back."

"Wait just a minute before you get dressed."

Rita went to the bathroom and returned with a bottle of lotion. She
worked the milky fluid into the dry skin on the girl's shoulders and
arms. Like magic, the scaly appearance changed to smooth, clear skin.
Then Rita took a moist washcloth and wiped the lips of Mitzi's cunt
clean and patted them dry.

She sat in her stockings and garters and watched while the girl dressed.
When Mitzi had her bra and panties on and pulled the shapeless slip on
over her head, Rita could remain silent no longer.

"That slip is too long for your dress, Mitzi. Would you like for me to
baste a new hem?"

"Oh thanks, Rita, but it isn't mine. It belongs my Aunt Doris."

"I don't understand. Doesn't your mother buy your clothes?"

Mitzi bit her lower lip. "Mom and Dad, they broke up a long time ago.
Dad disappeared and I lived with Mom until she ran off with a man. Now I
just ... sorta bounce around. I live with my aunt ... sometimes. She's
good to me, except when she's been drinking. Sometimes she lets me wear
her clothes. Other times ... well, I still have my jeans and blouse."

Rita was silent and blinked back tears while she shortened the slip with
paper clips all around. When Mitzi put on the borrowed dress, she helped
her tuck the excess material in back so it followed the nice curves of
her body.

When Mitzi thanked her and turned to leave, Rita stopped her. She
pressed the bottle of lotion and a small pill bottle in her hands.

"Use this lotion on your body every night. Take one of these tablets
every day, and it'll keep you from getting pregnant. When either of
these runs out, just tell me."

There were tears in the girl's eyes when she bent and kissed her. Then
she was leaving, clumping awkwardly in high-heeled shoes that were too
big for her.

Rita looked down and fingered the sticky lips of her cunt. She stripped
off her stockings and unfastened the hooks on her garter belt. Time for
a hot shower.

Tommy would be home before long.

to be continued ...........................

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Messages In This Thread
Desi Indian Sex Stories - by desiaks - 04-03-2017, 06:43 PM
RE: Desi Indian Sex Stories - by desiaks - 04-03-2017, 06:44 PM
RE: Desi Indian Sex Stories - by desiaks - 04-03-2017, 06:44 PM
RE: Desi Indian Sex Stories - by desiaks - 04-03-2017, 06:44 PM

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