Entertainment wreatling fedration
03-13-2019, 08:10 PM, (This post was last modified: 04-06-2021, 01:52 PM by Patel777.)
RE: Entertainment wreatling fedration
OoThe follow out form the BATTLE OF THE SEXES ppv has been profound, the divas without a shadow of a doubt have come out on top. Now the spin off, is that the chairman of EWF is determined to seek revenge on behave of the superstars. Tonight we will see retribution on a untold amount. So without further delays lets head to the ring, with even more divas wanting to make their mark in this company, so of which will debut tonight.



The following match is our opening match of the evening IS A cage Match where you need to win by pin fall or submission. introducing first making his way to the ring

Samoe Joe

[Image: samoa-bio.png]


Brooke banx
[Image: images?q=tbn%3AANd9GcSlT4wKmLfxQ2NowV9RK...YfnYzybD6G]


The cage door is closed, now it is between Samoe Joe vs Brooke banx the fitness hottie who sizzles beauty & sex appeal. Brooke banx ( with her back to the commentators, right of screen inside this steel cage ) cops LEFT & RIGHT MIDRIFF PUNCHES .. one, ... two, ... three, .... four, ... five, ....six, ... seven times, all finding their mark & all making an immediate impression on what awaits Brooke banx on EWFBrooke banx  back peddles to the ropes using them to lean against inside this steel cage ( right of screen ) as Samoe Joe ROPE CLOTHES LINES Brooke banx, but she counters to KARATE BACK BODY TOSS Samoe Joe into the cage & the cage vibrates violently as a result & Samoe Joe lands on his head & shoulders as he comes down from a great height. Brooke banx pulls up Samoe Joe to turn him around whilst standing & Brooke banx KARATE FOREARM CLUBS Samoe Joe across his chest, as she pulls him practically back inside the ring, but not yet, leaving him on the apron as he suffers .. one, .... two, ..... three, .... four, .... five, .... six, ........ seven blows, then Brooke banx walks away as seductively as she adjust her outfit, whilst Samoe Joe falls to his knees, gasping for air on the apron, his face resting against the steel cage bars. 

Brooke banx waving to the fans who are warming to her, as she turns around her hair flowing as she does so, here she comes as Samoe Joe is groggy, but on his feet held up by the steel cage surrounding the ring. Brooke banx reaches Samoe Joe to pull him towards her & now Brooke DELAY VERTICAL SUPLEX HOISTS Samoe Joe & holds him above her head as her hair flows with this move ( for .... one, .... two, .... three, .... four, .... five, .... six, .... seven, .... eight seconds ) & then Brooke banx 

FISHERMAN SUPLEXES him instead of a SUPLEX SLAMSamoe Joe is down, as Brooke banx stalks her opponent, circling her prey wondering what to do next to him, as Samoe Joe is looking up from the canvass wondering the same thing, now that Brooke banx has gained the upper hand. Brooke banx pulls up Samoe Joe ( after .... one, .... two, .... three, .... four, .... five seconds passed ) as she pulls Samoe Joe up to from a standing start POWERFUL CORNER WHIP Samoe Joe ( from the middle of the ring, with his back to the bottom right of screen to the top right of screen corner ) in a manner of seconds he thunders against the corner turnbuckle ( top left of screen ).

Brooke banx in a football stance showing off her sexy rear, is off to SPEAR Samoe Joe as he staggers out of the corner & Brooke banx almost broke Samoe Joe in half as a result, Brooke banx places a sexy black boot heel on the chest of Samoe Joe whilst modeling in the direction of the camera ( main camera, inside this steel cage ) as the referee counts .... one, .... two, ... count, as Samoe Joe KICKS OUT!Brooke banx pulls up Samoe Joe to his feet & Brooke banx ( with her back to the main camera BEAR HUGS Samoe Joe off his feet, draping him over her right shoulder, as the overhead camera captures Samoe Joe arching his back so far he is almost doubling over as a result. Samoe Joe screaming in agony, as he tries to absorb the pain to maybe be able to offer some offense if he survives this move. 

Brooke banx ( with her sexy curved back directly in line with the main camera ) & her hair flowing like with a slight breeze blowing blowing, as she says nothing, but he actions speak volumes & add to her sex appeal for the way she is manhandling Samoe Joe the Samoan sub machine, in her debut match, imagine what other divas on debut have in store if this is something to go off. Brooke banx continuing with the BEAR HUG ( as .... one, .... two, .... three, .... four, .... five, ... six, .... seven, .... eight, .... nine, .... ten, .... eleven, .... twelve, .... thirteen seconds pass ) & Samoe Joe is tapping out, he can't cope anymore & murmurs his finisher, he can't go on, as Brooke banx releases him & he falls to the canvass in agony, as the referee holds the of the winner, after he motioned for the bell, as THIS MATCH IS ALL OVER.


03-13-2019, 09:04 PM, (This post was last modified: 03-16-2019, 07:59 PM by Patel777.)
RE: Entertainment wreatling fedration


At BATTLE OF THE SEXES PPV, WE DIVAS proved beyond a sudden of a doubt, that WE ARE the most dominate diva here on WRESTLING FEDERATION by defeating The Rock, BRAUN,BROCK and many superstars just like that. The Rock never stood a chance against my superior skills & agility & this is only the beginning of what is about to happen. We came to professional wrestling as we saw it as a new challenge, but I'm afraid that sadly, that hasn't been the case. We are  certain there is someone out there worthy, until that person shows up, we guess we will content myself with beating the crap out of the present personal. So we going to do something radical, listen up superstars or should that be scared little boys. Anyone back there who things they can take this belt from us divas, go ahead try it. Many men have tried & sadly thus far have failed. So someone back there come on out & face me or other divas do I need to go back there to pick someone off.

Comes down to the ring

I couldn't help over hearing you issue an open challenge to any superstar to face you. Well LISA ANN I', the guy who will beat you & take that title from you & restore normal proceedings. 

I have the ultimate respect for you Undertaker, you are a worthy challenger & I accept your challenge.

Oh you miss understood me, I will take that title off you, but not tonight. You see tonight LISA you will face Harlem heat & me in a 3-1 handicap tag match. After all you didn't say anything about whether it was 1 on 1 or handicap match.

Looks like you'll have some company in hospital tonight, there is no way in the world I will allow you three to beat me, in fact it will be so one sided that it will further enhance my reputation as a estimated EWF UNIVERSAL Champion. So lets not waste time, lets have this match now.

All in good timing, it will happen, but later on tonight, as I need to go mentally prepare for you & believe me, that means you will lose & lose so badly, you will not make it to our match at the next ppv NO WAY OUT.

You are only making things worse for yourself, but I accept you challenge. But it won't be a challenge so when i'm through I expect you are to be lying on your backs & worship me like I was your mistress & beg me for mercy & I will not take too kindly if you refuse. See you later Taker.

03-13-2019, 11:06 PM, (This post was last modified: 04-06-2021, 01:54 PM by Patel777.)
RE: Entertainment wreatling fedration

The following match is a 1 on 1 match, introducing first 

[Image: images?q=tbn%3AANd9GcT-NSphYIc2BuUoL9wm_...MAwxyNCLXR]


 Introducing his opponent making her way to the ring


[Image: images?q=tbn%3AANd9GcSL3IaCsbSZZgX98TjHF...-YwF0bZEi_]


miss ELA pasion who does sexual things to her opponents before pinning them is a piece of hot steamy sexual pleasure, any superstar or superstars who enter a match with her have signed wavers to compete against her knowing anything can happen, since she making her debut match is now facing Kane. Kane moving about the ring measuring & seizing up this gorgeous woman who locks up to Kane ( with his back to the titantron ) is immediately in a grapple lock up with ELA PASION whom holds her own ( they go at it for .... one, .... two, .... three, .... four, .... five, .... six, .... seven, .... eight, .... nine, .... ten seconds ) until ELA PASION  forcing the huge man to his knees as he looks up at her & sees ELA PASION press her crouch into his face & smears his mask with her front end & works him over while forcing the wrist to bend back over the shoulder of kane who is released. Kane is up, but mad as hell, kane ( with his back to the bottom right of screen corner ) locks up to ELA PASION again, but this time Kane OPEN HAND UPPER CUTS ELA PASION .. once, ... twice, .... third, .... fourth time sending ELA PASION airborne against the corner turnbuckle upright ( top left of screen ) & within seconds Kane on the move RUNNING CORNER CLOTHES LINES ELA PASION furiously & leaves her to deal with it. Kane ONE HANDED CORNER CHOKES ELA PASION against the corner with anger & bitterness ( top left of screen for .... one, .... two, .... three, .... four, .... five, .... six, .... seven seconds ) & finally the referee steps in, not too pleased are the fans. Kane walks away & has some words, more stares down through his mask at the referee. Kane then re-focuses on ELA PASION to SIDE WALK SLAM her come rushing out of the corner at him, however she half way through the hold, REVERSE SPINNING DDT's Kane & they both land on the canvass.

The fans on their feet chanting for ELA PASION whom gets up to wander over to Kane who is getting to his feet & ELA PASION KARATE RIGHT PALMS kane to his midriff as kane stood in the middle of the ring ( with his back to the commentators ) & ELA PASION follow up KARATE RIGHT BOXING HOOKS Kane who with reflexes counter attacks with a BOXING UPPER CUT that rocks her head back & ELA PASION ( with her back to the top left of screen ) KARATE BOXING UPPER CUTS Kane who tried to follow up & then ELA PASION ducks under a wild swinging as arm from kane, as ELA PASION ( side on to the commentators & facing the far side of the ring ) FIREMAN CARRIES into a SLAM kane who was sitting up in the middle of the ring on the canvass ( facing the top right of screen corner ) to follow up ROLLING NECK SNAP Kane & suddenly the tide of this match has swung in favour of ELA PASIONELA PASION pulls up Kane to his feet & ELA PASION STANDING HEADLOCK PUNCHES Kane to his throat ... once, .... twice, .... third time stopping as the referee was blind sighted, ELA PASION 

waits for the referee to walk away to observe kane from a different angle & thus opening the door for ELA PASION ( with her back to the bottom left of screen corner ) to continue to STANDING HEADLOCK Kane but again THROAT PUNCH him .. once, ... twice, .... third, ... fourth, .... fifth time & stop leaving Kane to gaps for air. ELA PASION mouthing seductively at the referee she is doing nothing illegal & the referee buys it.

Kane grabs the hair of ELA PASION pulling her head right back only for ELA PASION to use it to her advantage & ELA PASION BACK FLIP DDT's Kane & leaves him on the canvass in a OMG moment. ELA PASION gets up as kane is trying to pick up the pieces on the aftermath of that unexpected move. ELA PASION pulls up Kane to his feet & ELA PASION places Kane in a TORTURE RACK, but no way. Kane RAPID ELBOWS his way out of it & Kane ( with his back to the titantron ) lands on his feet to BELLY TO BACK SUPLEX ELA PASION to the canvass & that's where she remains for now. Kane taking a moment to regroup ( .... one, .... two, .... three, .... four, ... five, .... six seconds ) & then kane gets up whilst pulling ELA PASION up by her pony tail to then Irish Whip her, no ELA PASION REVERSE POWERFUL CORNER WHIPS kane & cannons into the turnbuckle corner ( top right of screen ) & staggers out instantly as if struck by a lightning jolt in that corner & ELA PASION RUNNING KARATE HIGH HEELS Kane as she was off the canvass & send the head of kane right back as far as possible before he catapults backwards back flipping to the canvass due to the impact of the blow. Kane is bleeding through the mask onto the canvass quite freely. Kane is in a lot of bother as ELA PASION pulls up Kane to REVERSE FULL NELSON Kane off his feet & dangle him off canvass as ELA PASION ( maintains the hold for .... one, .... two, .... three, .... four, .... five seconds ) before she REVERSE NECK BREAKS Kane & leave him in heaps of trouble.

The unscripted world EWF WRESTLING FREDERATION deliver matches in this magnitude & the fans love it , but also it can be scary for the one on the end of it & for now Kane is that superstars who is left on the canvass to try to pick himself up. ELA PASION comes over to stand over Kane on all fours bleeding freely still on the canvass, as ELA PASION flicks her hair back the watches kane pounding the canvass knowing he has his work cut out for him & beginning to doubt himself whether he can actually prevail. ELA PASION meantime pulls up kane as if about to kiss as she seductively pulls him up to then TORTURE RACK Kane & shake him about as the fans watch kane go from thrashing about to nothing ( within .... one, .... two, .... three, .... four, .... five, .... six, .... seven seconds ) & ELA PASION facing the main camera & withing touching distance of it, converts the TORUTURE RACK into a MILITARY PRESS SLAMS & ELA PASION holds Kane ( for .... one, .... two, .... three, .... four, .... five, .... six, ... seven, .... eight, .... nine, .... ten seconds ) & then ELA PASION ( has turned her back to the main camera & walks away towards the far side of the ring ) & eventually ELA PASION hurls Kane to the canvass where he bounces in the middle of the ring, then looks up before passing out. ELA PASION kicks him over then LEG SPLIT FACE SITS SMOTHERS kane face with her ass & she works his face with it as she moves forward & back ( for .... one, .... two, .... three, .... four, .... five, .... six, .... seven, .... eight, .... nine, .... ten seconds ) & continues until kane comes onto her with a gigantic erection & ELA PASION noticing it continues to work his face as she now asks the referee to administer pin fall count, as not only has ELA PASION beaten Kane to leave him out cold, but given him a hard on as a little treat as she refers to it, the referee counts .... one, .... two, .... three count, as the referee motions for bell, as THIS MATCH IS ALL OVER.



03-14-2019, 12:05 AM, (This post was last modified: 04-06-2021, 01:55 PM by Patel777.)
RE: Entertainment wreatling fedration
Match 3


 [Image: images?q=tbn%3AANd9GcS8njZIQPPJLorUDqNAB...A9j9Eo2HKM]


[Image: images?q=tbn%3AANd9GcTT9wNXK6hlI3tqr0Fw5...DPa4sMSOOj]


Shane McMahon is furious the way things have started in ppv night  & on top of that he was furious that ALURA JENSON  hospitalizes Randy Orton in a destruction of his franchise money player. There is a lot of red in that ring currently. LUKE GALLOWS& ALICE MATOS to commence things as they move about the ring. LUKE GALLOWS ( with his back to the top right of screen corner ) locks up in a grapple with ALICE MATOS ( who has her back to the bottom left of screen corner ) ALICE MATOS grapples in making an opening for herself to COMBO CROSS BODY RIGHT THIGH LUKE GALLOWS to his chest ... once, .... twice, .... third, .... fourth, ... fifth, .... sixth, .... seventh time & then ALICE MATOS quickly as she approaches the ropes ( with her back to the titantorn, left of screen ) & ALICE MATOS swiftly uses the ropes to HOT SPOT LUKE GALLOWS after he was overwhelmed with those combo blows. From behind Karl Anderson attacks ALICE MATOS who is mauling LUKE GALLOWS & she cops RAPID FOREARM CLUBS whilst ALICE MATOS was proceeding to use the ropes ( left of screen, facing the titantron ) to continue her attack & to use the ropes for leverage to MULTIPLE STOMP LUKE GALLOWS & she delivered .... one, .... two, .... three, .... four, .......... five, ....... six blows, before Karl Anderson timely intervened. LUKE GALLOWS is given a reprieve & uses it to clear his head & get up to his & LUKE GALLOWS having reached ALICE MATOS who was getting to her feet & LUKE GALLOWS ( in the middle of the ring, with his back to the top left of screen corner ) BELLY TO BELLY SPINNING SUPLEX ALICE MATOS who was rising off the canvass after being PEARL HARBORED by Karl AndersonLUKE GALLOWS tags in Karl Andersonstanding on the apron, bottom right of screen Karl Anderson & LUKE GALLOWS pull up ALICE MATOS to DOUBLE WHIP her ( from right of screen against the ropes, to the left of screen ropes ) & on her return ALICE MATOS running ducks under a DOUBLE CLOTHES LINE & she returns building up incredible speed to DOUBLE FLYING LARIAT The CLUB & with the impact of the blow knock them both off their feet & all three are on the canvass recovering.

Karl Anderson however is first to his feet & proceeds to MULTIPLE ELBOW DROP ALICE MATOS to her upper back as she is on all fours ... once, ... twice, .... third, .... fourth, ..... fifth time & Karl Anderson wealth of wrestling ability comes to the four, as Karl Anderson on all fours applies a FRONT FACE LOCK on ALICE MATOS ( whose sexy rear is captured by the main camera & now the overhead camera ), as ALICE MATOS counters to ARM BAR out of the hold into a TOP WRIST LOCK on a kneeling Karl Anderson who presses his open palm against her face as he tries to push her away, but ALICE MATOS ( squatting with her back to the bottom left of screen corner & almost in the corner ) converts the TOP WRIST LOCK into a KNEELING DRAGON SLEEPER HOLD showing how much work she has undertaken her 3 month boot camp to prepare for this physical battle on EWF WRESTLING FEDERATIONALICE MATOS looking over at LUKE GALLOWS monitoring him, as she wears down Karl Anderson who is powering to his feet & reaches back to REVERSE SLAM ALICE MATOS to the canvass, but from the canvass ALICE MATOS KIP UP HURRICANRANA HEADSCISSOR TOSSES Karl Anderson to the ropes ( main camera ) & near his partner LUKE GALLOWS who reaches in to tag himself in. LUKE GALLOWS not rushing in, as he waits for a fraction for ALICE MATOS to get up & she does as she RUNNING KNEE RAMS Karl Anderson but LUKE GALLOWS telegraphed the move & uses the top rope ( as he had his back directly in line with the main camera ) & SLINGSHOT SHOULDER BLOCK ALICE MATOS just as she was coming & knock her head over heels to the canvass, as she comes to a rolling rest in the middle of the ring, this is where this handicap tag match is bull shit, as ALICE MATOS can't tag out, like The club can to keep the fresh man in at most times.

LUKE GALLOWS comes after ALICE MATOS & applies STANDING REAR WAIST LOCK on ALICE MATOS whom got her feet displaying incredible courage & ALICE MATOS ( whilst facing the far side of the ring ) grapples her way in the hold towards the ropes where she uses the top rope after DOWNWARD KARATE STOMPING the boot of LUKE GALLOWS ( far side of the ring ) to enable ALICE MATOS to use those ropes to STRATUS FACTION BULLDOG LUKE GALLOWS & leave him face down on the canvass, where ALICE MATOS rolls him over for a pin fall attempt .... one, .... count, as LUKE GALLOWS KICKS OUTALICE MATOS pulls up LUKE GALLOWS to his feet, as he is groggy & ALICE MATOS 

STANDING DOUBLE DROP KICKS LUKE GALLOWS to his face & send him back flipping to the canvass, as she lands on her feet incredible agility again shown by ALICE MATOS
ALICE MATOS pulls up LUKE GALLOWS whom she places in a STANDING HEADLOCKS, but here comes Karl Anderson & ALICE MATOS ( with her back to the top left of screen corner ) ends up delivering a counter attacking move as ALICE MATOS TOWER OF LONDON takes down The CLUBALICE MATOS is first up to her feet, as she pulls up LUKE GALLOWS to scope him up & BODY SLAM LUKE GALLOWS, but now Karl Anderson ( with his back to the commentators ) & refusing to adhere to the referee, as Karl Anderson BELLY TO BACK SUPLEX ALICE MATOS to the canvass. ALICE MATOS is trying to get up, but now LUKE GALLOWS is up & places her in a STANDING CHIN LOCK, as Karl Anderson leaves for the apron, ALICE MATOS manages to grapple into position & POWERFUL BACK BREAK LUKE GALLOWS ... one, .... two, .... three times in a row, before releasing him. Karl Anderson from behind RUSSIAN LEG SWEEPS ALICE MATOS who is looking physically drained as this match goes on. Karl Anderson not done yet, as The club pull up ALICE MATOS & ( after .... one, .... two, .... three, .... four, .... five seconds ) The club ignoring the referee's pleads for the illegal move to stop as they DOUBLE SUPLEX SLAM ALICE MATOS & as a result leave her on the canvass requiring a tag to no one, as there is no one for her to tag in.

LUKE GALLOWS remains to take advantage of the situation & he places ALICE MATOS in a POWERFUL CAMEL CLUTCH in the middle of the ring & she is desperate to reach the ropes, any ropes, but this submission hold, will probably end proceedings in this match. The club resorting to win at all costs tactics & this the attitude the other superstars most adhere to if they don't want to keep coming off second best against the divas. ALICE MATOS ( is held for .... one, .... two, .... three, .... four, .... five, .... six, .... seven, .... eight, .... nine seconds ) & then LUKE GALLOWS releases the POWERFUL CAMEL CLUTCH to tag in Karl Anderson who takes his time climbing into the ring & wander over & when he does ( after .... one, .... two, .... three, .... four, .... five seconds ) Scott Steiner  CAMEL CLUTCHES ALICE MATOS & she has weakened her resolve as ( after .... one, .... two, .... three, .... four, .... five, .... six, .... seven, .... eight, .... nine, .... ten, .... eleven, .... twelve seconds later ) & ALICE MATOS taps out, as she is unable to continue as the referee motions for the bell, as THIS MATCH IS ALL OVER.




03-14-2019, 12:13 AM, (This post was last modified: 09-15-2020, 03:38 PM by Patel777.)
RE: Entertainment wreatling fedration
Shane McMahon


Well done to the The CLUB, listen up you pussies, I want this to be the line in the sand moment or I swear to god, none of you will get the money your getting now, i'll give it to the divas. Yes that's right, if you lot can't main event in title matches, then I may as well pay them. So all of you, get your acts together & do it. 

I don't care whether you hurt them or not, maybe we need to hurt the odd diva & as long as it is during a match so be it, but if it happens during promos so be it. So what has happened has happened, but already Batista has shown he doesn't care whether it's a divas or superstars he'll do his thing. So lets get out there & so those divas whose boss & who belongs in the kitchen. So until all the divas are put back in their places, we are effectively having Battle of the sexes matches until you pussies start to win & make it so unpleasant for the divas, they'll be begging & pleading for the agony to stop.

03-14-2019, 01:59 AM, (This post was last modified: 04-19-2021, 10:34 PM by Patel777.)
RE: Entertainment wreatling fedration


The following match is a tag team match for the WORLD TAG TEAM CHAMPIONSHIP. Introducing first the challengers 

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[Image: images?q=tbn%3AANd9GcTraaNL2Guh2pk9YObOg...6UmdK-ag2q]

 Introducing their opponents they are the WORLD TAG TEAM CHAMPIONS 
[Image: images?q=tbn%3AANd9GcRXwPNZdSJErnysXO8k5...u2qFUVuydP]


JORDAN CARVER will commence things for her team & JIMMY USO likewise for his team. JORDAN CARVER ( with her back to the far side of the ring ) & JIMMY USO  ( with his back directly in line with the main camera, now more further right of the main camera ) lock up in the middle of the ring & JORDAN CARVER grapples with JIMMY USO to scope him up & BODY SLAM a thrashing about JIMMY USO, as he pops up to his feet, JORDAN CARVER having come off the ropes ( left of screen ) wants to follow up without hesitation & when JORDAN CARVER returns quickly she RUNNING POWERFUL CLOTHES LINES JIMMY USO with so much power, she back flips him completely through the air backwards, before JIMMY USO lands on the canvass. JORDAN CARVER flexes her muscles to her adoring fans, before she immediately comes off the ropes, again ( this time, far side of the ring ) in this sexy bikini attire & JORDAN CARVER SHINING WIZARD KICKS into a PIN FALL JIMMY USO who is sprawled out as JORDAN CARVER covers him for the pin fall .... one, .... two, count, as JIMMY USO KICKS OUT, but he has no idea where he is. JORDAN CARVER pulls up JIMMY USO to Irish Whip him towards her partner ( top left of screen corner ) where NICOLETTE SHEA  HIGH HEELS raised to the face of JIMMY USO & that certainly isn't going to help matter for JIMMY USOJORDAN CARVER tags in NICOLETTE SHEA & The Supervixens ( with her backs, as close as you get to the top left of screen corner, without touching ) they DOUBLE FISHERMAN SUPLEX JIMMY USO & leave him to pick up the pieces of that blow whilst on the canvass. 

NICOLETTE SHEA pulls up JIMMY USO in this so far a one sided match & NICOLETTE SHEA ( with her back to the titantron ) GUTWRENCH SUPLEX into a BACK BREAK SUBMISSION HOLD over her right knee, as NICOLETTE SHEA really stretching out the hurting JIMMY USO, dispute all the encouragement coming from his tag team partner in JAY USO to hold out & fight through the pain barrier, as NICOLETTE SHEA releases JIMMY USO, then she pulls up JIMMY USO & NICOLETTE SHEA ( with her back to the far side of the ring ) slings JIMMY USO over shoulder, then wanders over to the corner where JAY USO is ( bottom right of screen ) where NICOLETTE SHEA KARATE SHOULDER BREAKS JIMMY USO then leave him in the corner, as NICOLETTE SHEA walks away to the middle of the ring, then shows off her ass, as she motions tauntingly, come get some of my ass, if you dare. JAY USO tags in, as he ushers his brother to the apron to get him out of harms way in the ring. NICOLETTE SHEA & JAY USO lock up S.O.S as NICOLETTE SHEA ( with her back to the titantron ) easily stands her ground against JAY USO telling him " JAY, you and your brother have had your time, now the supervixens will be tag team champions & you will pay for it ", as NICOLETTE SHEA with that SPINE BUSTER SLAMS JAY USO to the canvass & then drop down over him kneeling over him & NICOLETTE SHEA ( kneeling over JAY USO with her back to the titantron, almost closer to the right of screen, then left ) & NICOLETTE SHEA RAPID FURY RIGHTS JAY USO ... once, .... twice, ..... third, ... fourth, .... fifth, .... sixth, .... seventh, ... eighth, .... ninth time & eventually she lets up.

NICOLETTE SHEA pulls up a bleeding JAY USO to VERTICAL SUPLEX & hold him above her head, here comes JIMMY USO & JORDAN CARVER telegraphs the move & she STOMPS JIMMY USO to his midriff to cut him off, from intercepting & now JORDAN CARVER

 & NICOLETTE SHEA ( with their backs to the far side of the ring ) DELAY VERTICAL SUPLEX their respective opponents JAY USO held by NICOLETTE SHEA & JORDAN CARVER holding JIMMY USO ( they do so for .... one, .... two, .... three, .... four, .... five, .... six, .... seven, .... eight, .... nine, .... ten, .... eleven, .... twelve, .... thirteen seconds ) & what a DOUBLE DELAY VERTICAL SUPLEX by the SUPERVIXENS on THE USOS as they end up JACKHAMMER Pin them with the move & The Supervixens covering their respective opponents .... one, .... two, .... count, as THE USOS both KICK OUT, but both far from convincing. JORDAR CARVER gets up & leaves the ring, as NICOLETTE SHEA pulls up The USOS & NICOLETTE SHEA ( with her back to the top left of screen corner ) sets up the USOS to DOUBLE FRANCHISE ( FRONT JAWBREAKER ) leave both of them out cold on the canvass. JORDAN CARVER wants in & NICOLETTE SHEA obliges, as NICOLETTE SHEA helps JORDAN CARVER place The usos in the assumed position, as the fans on their feet, no way, will she, she won't surly & yes JORDAN CARVER 
DOUBLE POWER BOMBS The USOS with the move, how could she get both in the same move & deliver too. JORDAN CARVER places a boot on the USOS sprawled out on top of each other, with both their sets of shoulders pinned to the canvass,  as JORDAN CARVER asks the referee to count, whilst NICOLETTE SHEA is waving to the fans as the referee counts, .... one, .... two, .... three count, as THIS MATCH IS ALL OVER. What a win by the Supervixens who are now the new World Tag Team Champions & have destroyed the champions without them even offering any offensive moves to the sheer shock of the EWF WRESTLING FEDERATION UNIVERSE AUDIENCES




03-14-2019, 10:48 AM, (This post was last modified: 04-19-2021, 10:36 PM by Patel777.)
RE: Entertainment wreatling fedration

I'm here with the new Intercontinental Champion ALURA JENSON who had ONE SIDED match against RANDY ORTAN in the MAIN EVENT BATTLE OF SEXES MANIA ppv WHERE SHE TOTALLY HUMILIATES HER OPPONENT 

RANDY Orton is a good wrestler but not good as me as you saw how I destroy him in front of the world and claim my intercontinental championship belt. If he wants a re-matches he will get any time but I don't think he have guts to face me again , but tonight a another opponent want to hold my title. Bobby lashely wants to claim this title & I will show him, that he chose a wrong diva to wrestling in the ring.

ALURA, you are sexy, gorgeous, glamorous, why would you risk your beautiful body to injury.

I have sexual drive & wrestling men & beating them, gives me a rush, aren't you glad this is a adult wrestling show. Let me ask you Michael ( as she plays with his tie, seductively ) would you prefer me not wrestling & miss out 

I love you here, but it would be selfish of you, not to show us your beauty, whilst beating the superstars.

BOBBY LASHELY tonight, I will take you to extreme pleasures of satisfaction & then pin you .... one, .... two, .... three. ( ALURA JENSON walks away, allowing after a kiss to MICHAEL COLE) see you later handsome.

There you have it, coming up next BOBBY LASHELY will challenge ALURA JENSON for the Intercontinental Championship.



Introducing first making his way to the ring, the challenger 

Introducing his opponent she is the INTERCONTINENTAL CHAMPION 
[Image: images?q=tbn:ANd9GcSo3mjmPkvEKqIN0ZWibq6...w&usqp=CAU]


BOBBY LASHELY comes away from his corner as the bell sounded ( bottom right of screen ) & shows off his body by flexing at the direction of ALURA JENSON who stands over 6 ft, as she smiles at him watching BOBBY LASHELY flex his muscles ( for .... one, .... two, .... three, .... four, .... five seconds ), as ALURA JENSON grows bored, beginning to yawn at his showing off display. ALURA JENSON asks BOBBY LASHELY " BOBBY do you want to wrestle or pose, either way, you know I will beat you ", as BOBBY LASHELY responds " You beat me, who do you think your talking to, I'm the TOTAL PACKAGE, BOBBY LASHELY, not some punk like RANDY ORTON & may I remind you, I have beaten RANDY ORTAN, so you don't scare me "ALURA JENSON & BOBBY LASHELY move about the ring, as ALURA JENSON ( with her back to the top right of screen corner ) locks up to BOBBY LASHELY & SHORT LINE CLOTHES LINES him with force & BOBBY LASHELY is allowed to check his teeth whilst getting to his feet. ALURA JENSON in no mood for games, as ALURA JENSON moves in & ( coming away from the ropes, left of screen, with her back to the titantron ), scope up BOBBY LASHELY after a EUROPEAN UPPERCUT & scope BODY SLAMS him to the canvass, as ALURA JENSON waits for him to get up & ALURA JENSON STANDING DROP KICKS BOBBY LASHELY to the chest & upends him, as he rolls along the canvass to the ropes ( right of screen ) & keeps rolling under the ropes to the apron & smartly seeks the outside of the ring, to regather himself. ALURA JENSON

 the INTERCONTINENTAL CHAMPION decided no way you'll get the chance to regroup, as she attacks the ropes ( right of screen ) & SUICIDE DIVE into a FLYING CLOTHES LINE BOBBY LASHELY who was standing in front of the commentators & the impact of the blow drove him to coming to rest slumped up against the booth sitting up ( right of screen, on the outside floor ). The fans on the side of ALURA JENSON, who pulls up Luger to show him no mercy, as ALURA JENSON scope up BOBBY LASHELY to BODY SLAM him onto the announces booth, which remains in tack, as BOBBY LASHELY looks up from lying on the booth, only to look & see ALURA JENSON breasts, as she moves into her next move & ALURA JENSON follow up with a DOWNWARD KARATE BACK HEEL AX KICK BOBBY LASHELY to his face, as BOBBY LASHELY was perfectly positioned for ALURA JENSON to complete her follow up move, successfully.

ALURA JENSON having words with the referee, as she pulls up BOBBY LASHELY from the announces booth to bring him around to ram his face into the steel steps ( bottom right of screen corner ) but BOBBY LASHELY blocks it, then BOBBY LASHELY BELLY TO BACK SUPLEX ALURA JENSON to drive her into the canvass, whilst inflicting some pain, to somehow counter the momentum run ALURA JENSON had over him. BOBBY LASHELY gets up then rolls under the bottom rope ( right of screen, directly in line with the time keeper, bottom right of screen ropes ), as BOBBY LASHELY breaks the count of the referee, then rolls back out, as ALURA JENSON is pulled up & BOBBY LASHELYshowing no mercy himself as he BODY SLAMS ALURA JENSON on the floor surface on the outside & that hurts ALURA JENSON with the move. BOBBY LASHELY composing himself ( for .... one, .... two, .... three, .... four seconds ) before he pulls ALURA JENSON up by her hair, to then POWERFUL WHIP her against the hoardings ( bottom right of screen corner, behind the bottom right of screen corner ring post ), as ALURA JENSON gets up BOBBY LASHELY comes at a millions miles a hour to HOARDINGS CLOTHES LINE ALURA JENSON to propel them both into the front row of the fans at ringside. 

ALURA JENSON is pulled up by BOBBY LASHELY in the crowd & he HIP TOSSES her to the outside floor area that surrounds the ring. BOBBY LASHELY comes after ALURA JENSON who gets up & KARATE ROUNDHOUSE SPIN KICKS BOBBY LASHELY to the face, as she spins him 180 degrees because of the blow, but BOBBY LASHELY takes the blow & then BIG CLOTHES LINES ALURA JENSON to show he is not backing down nor will he take her lightly, whatever she can dish out, he will return the compliment. BOBBY LASHELY then rams ALURA JENSON face into the apron, before rolling her back inside the ring, via under the bottom rope ( directly in line with the main camera ). BOBBY LASHELY climbs to the apron using the steps, then steps through the ropes, as BOBBY LASHELY THIN LIFT into a SWINGING NECK BREAKS ALURA JENSON who was on her feet, but groggy, as BOBBY LASHELY gets up & enjoys exchanging barbs with the fans in the crowd. BOBBY LASHELY then resumes his attack on ALURA JENSON whom was given enough time to spring to her feet & ALURA JENSON SNAP SUPLEX BOBBY LASHELY to the canvass, but holds onto him, as ALURA JENSON pulls up BOBBY LASHELY having held onto him & now ALURA JENSON sets up BOBBY LASHELY ( waiting for .... one, .... two, .... three seconds ) & then ALURA JENSON ( with her back to the bottom right of screen ropes SUPLEX SLAMS BOBBY LASHELY, but he blocks it, as BOBBY LASHELY counters to FALCON ARROW SUPLEX ALURA JENSON instead & this match is swaying back & forward now with whom is in control of proceedings.

BOBBY LASHELY pulls up ALURA JENSON to her feet to POWER CORNER WHIP her ( from the ropes, main camera to the top right of screen corner ) & BOBBY LASHELY follow up CORNER CLOTHES LINES , but instead BOBBY LASHELY runs straight into a counter attacking move performed by ALURA JENSON & BOBBY LASHELY ends up running with all his speed into a ALURA JENSON BIG heels FEND OFF to his face as BOBBY LASHELY back peddles in the aftermath of the blow, ALURA JENSON moves in from the corner ( top right of screen ) as she swiftly MILITARY PRESS into a FORWARD SLAM BOBBY LASHELY to the canvass & ALURA JENSON gets down on the canvass, as she places BOBBY LASHELY using her powerful legs in a CROSS BODY SCISSOR LOCK him, as she squeezes his chest to crush him chest with her powerful thighs, as BOBBY LASHELY is screaming in agony, as BOBBY LASHELY is bellowing in agony, but manages to EYE GAUGE & break the hold. BOBBY LASHELY gets up or tries to as he feels for his lower back, then eventually ( after .... one, .... two, .... three, .... four seconds ) moves in, but ALURA JENSON ( with her back against the ropes, far side of the ring KARATE RIGHT & LEFT BOXING CROSS HOOKS Luger ( whom has his back directly in line with the main camera, way across the other side of the ring ) as his head snapped side to side, then ALURA JENSON RUNNING CLOTHES LINES BOBBY LASHELY to knock him down to the canvass & it's where she ends up after delivering the blow with the force she did.

ALURA JENSON pulls up BOBBY LASHELY as she is now getting stronger & finding her second wind, as ALURA JENSON

 tells BOBBY LASHELY whom is leaning into her body, as ALURA JENSON " You want tough, I'll give you tough "
 ALURA JENSON TORTURE RACKS BOBBY LASHELY using his own hold against him, but ALURA JENSON with her back to the commentators TORTURE RACKS into a RUNNING POWERSLAM PIN( from top left of screen corner, to the bottom right of screen corner ) as she pins him with a hooked leg, .... one, .... two, ... count, as BOBBY LASHELY KICKS OUT. ALURA JENSON pulls up BOBBY LASHELY who is leaning into ALURA JENSON as she sets him up to PUMP HANDLE POWERSLAM PINS [Image: immediateenlightenedkrill] BOBBY LASHELY who is out cold, as she covers his face with her crouch going for a reverse pin with authority this time .... one, .... two, .... three count, as the referee motions for the bell, as THIS MATCH IS ALL OVER. Get effort by BOBBY LASHELY who in the end was overwhelmed by the defending champion.



03-14-2019, 11:15 AM, (This post was last modified: 03-14-2019, 12:24 PM by Patel777.)
RE: Entertainment wreatling fedration

I'm here with the one, the only Hulk Hogan.

Well Mena Gene, tonight Hulkamania will run wild all over the arena, when i team up with The Rock in a 2-1 Handicap Tag Match.

Now Hogan, do you think it is fair for a diva to face you & the Rock in such a match.

You know Mean Gene. I have been placed in such matches myself & never complained or moaned, I got on with it. The divas want to play with the superstars, then they better be prepared to step into the ring with fire & fury.

Well of late it must be said Hogan, your 24 inch pythons haven't done much to intimidate the divas, kin fact they have thrown it back in your face.

You know Mean Gene you win some, you lose some. I will never be undefeated nor will divas. It is the way it is, so tonight, I team with The Rock & together we will prevail.

There you have it, Hulk Hogan & The Rock versus a mystery diva in a 2-1 handicap tag match.



Introducing first making her way to the ring in her debut match on EWF WRESTLING FEDERATION 

 Introducing her opponents 


Here we go a 2 on 1 match. NICOLE AUSTIN , the hot, sizzling NICOLE AUSTIN  ( with her back to the titantron ) locks up to The Rock ( with his back to the commentators ) first up, as NICOLE AUSTIN  STANDING SIDE HEADLOCKS The Rock who immediately goes for the hair, only for NICOLE AUSTIN  to PUNCH his face blind siding the referee .... once, ..... twice, ...... third time, before she lets up to then HEADLOCK take down The Rock to the canvass, as The Rock lying on his back with this debuting blonde beauty lying across his chest applying the as NICOLE AUSTIN  pulls The Rock to his feet with this HEADLOCK then NICOLE RUSSIAN LEG SWEEPS into a SPIRAL LEG DROP into a PIN FALL .... one, ... count, as THE ROCK KICKS OUTNICOLE AUSTIN  pulls up The Rock to lock up to him & then NICOLE ( with her back to the bottom left of screen corner POWER PRESS DISPLAYS The Rock with ease, then walks about the ring displaying or parading her trophy with ease still, as NICOLE AUSTIN  ends hurling The Rock, as NICOLE stood near the ropes ( facing the main camera ) & tossed The Rock to the floor on the outside, the look Hulk Hogan's face is one of shock about who is this dangerous woman. NICOLE content goes after The Rock who is crawling along the floor on the outside, trying to get away.

NICOLE AUSTIN  pulls up The Rock to scope SLAM him on the floor to then walk away showing off her rear end to the fans & Hulk Hogan, as she comes around the ring to climb back as if seducing her opponents to try her. The Rock gets up groggy, as NICOLE AUSTIN  back in the ring comes over to motion to him come on, i dare you. The Rock climbs to the apron & NICOLE AUSTIN  backs off allowing him the room to re-enter unhindered. the Rock (with his back to the main camera ) locks up to NICOLE AUSTIN  who POWER PRESS DISPLAYS The Rock ( whilst facing the commentators for .... one, .... two, .... three, .... four, .... five seconds ) & Zdenka Podkapova doing it with ease, still going & then NICOLE AUSTIN  easily converts the move into a REVERSE BACK BREAK SUBMISSION HOLD over her right shoulder. NICOLE AUSTIN  ends up CRUCIFIX POWERBOMBING The Rock to the corner canvass ( bottom right of screen ) & NICOLE winks at Hulk Hogan then walks away, as Hulk Hogan tags in to give Rock a reprieve.

Hulk Hogan gets up, as NICOLE AUSTIN  is in the middle of the ring with her hands on her sexy hips, as she waits for Hogan to come to her, as NICOLE & Hogan stare down each other. NICOLE AUSTIN with her back to the top left of screen corner ) & Hogan ( with his back bottom right of screen corner ) lock up chest rubbing against chest & NICOLE out powering Hulk Hogan, as NICOLE scopes up Hogan to BODY SLAM him to the canvass, as he gets up angry, as NICOLE AUSTIN  ( with her back near the bottom left of screen corner ) scopes up Hogan to BODY SLAM him to the canvass. Hogan gets up, as NICOLE AUSTIN  waits to MILITARY PRESS HOISTS Hogan & she walks around displaying or parading Hogan above her head ( for .... one, .... two, .... three, .... four, .... five, .... six, .... seven, .... eight, .... nine, .... ten, .... eleven seconds ) & NICOLE AUSTIN  hurls Hogan to the canvass ( near the top right of screen corner ). Hulk Hogan gets up hurting & NICOLE AUSTIN  places Hogan top turnbuckle pad ( top right of screen corner) to SUPERPLEX Hogan to the canvass & thus far, neither The Rock nor Hogan have had any bearing against NICOLE AUSTIN.

NICOLE AUSTIN  pulls up Hogan to his feet & scope him up to set him up to TOMBSTONE PIN Hogan & then cover him as The Rock walks away having had enough of her for tonight .... one, .... two, .... three count, as THIS MATCH IS ALL OVER.



03-14-2019, 12:55 PM, (This post was last modified: 03-14-2019, 01:00 PM by Patel777.)
RE: Entertainment wreatling fedration






DX attack their opponents from the get go, ( top left of screen corner ) & they pound on them having caught them both off guard, as BILLY GUNN FOREARM CLUBS away on JULIANA SALIMENI & likewise ROAD DOGG  FOREARM CLUBS away on BETHANY GIURA as they continue to batter away on them with relentless force & power, until BILLY GUNN tosses JULIANA SALIMENI out of the ring to the floor on the outside ( far side of ring ) leaving DX to dominate BETHANY GIURA, as DX( with their backs to the titantorn & against those ropes ) end up DOUBLE WHIP BETHANY GIURA to the opposite ropes ( right of screen ) but she counters to DOUBLE REVERSE WHIP  DX & on their return BETHANY GIURA positions herself to DOUBLE KARATE CLOTHES LINE CHOP  DX with such force they both hit the deck at her feet. BETHANY GIURA tags in her partner JULIANA SALIMENI who immediately pulls up DX to DOUBLE VERTICAL DELAY SUPLEX HOLD them above her head as she dangles them using either arm ( for .... one, .... two, .... three, .... four, .... five, .... six, .... seven, ..... eight seconds ) & then COMPLETE THE DOUBLE SUPLEX SLAM on DX as she had her back to the far side of the ring ).  JULIANA SALIMENI pulls up BILLY GUNN to toss him out of the ring, leaving her all alone with ROAD DOGG who is kneeling head bowed unaware of what happened to his partner. ROAD DOGG looks up to see
 JULIANA SALIMENI in a karate stance friendly waving to him before she winds up & JULIANA SALIMENI ( with her back to the main camera ) KARATE SPINNING ROUNDHOUSE KICKS into a follow up SPINNING KARATE ROUNDHOUSE KICK into another follow up KARATE SPINNING ROUNDHOUSE KICK & leaves ROAD DOGG looking up at the lights wondering where he is. 

JULIANA SALIMENI pulls up ROAD DOGG to his feet to POWERFUL BACK BREAK RELEASE him with extreme ease, as a concerned demands that BILLY GUNN gets his act together & tries to get his nerve back to help out his partner who is now in terrible trouble. JULIANA SALIMENI ( with her back to the bottom left of screen corner ) in a football squat is ready to SPEAR ROAD DOGG to propel him off his feet & drive him like a tackling dummy all the way into the opposite corner ( top right of screen ) & thrusting her shoulder into his midriff to drive the air out from him. BETHANY GIURA standing the apron is sucking on her nipples as she gets all horny wanting to use it as a spur on against her male opponents, she did this during try outs & she devastated her opponents when her orgasm was at it's maximum. BETHANY GIURA gets her tag as requested as she wanders over licking her lips to ROAD DOGG who was left slumped in the corner after being trapped in a CORNER BOOT CHOKE for what seemed like forever. BETHANY GIURA CORNER AVALANCHES ROAD DOGG (top right of screen corner ) to leave him reeling as he falls to the canvass at her feet. BETHANY GIURA demanding that he kiss her feet, as BILLY GUNN tells him not to. 

BETHANY GIURA looks over at BILLY GUNN" Don't worry BILLY GUNN after he is done kissing my feet, it will be your turn", as BETHANY GIURA gets turned on by ROAD DOGG licking her boots to which she now pulls him up to crush him in a BEAR HUG dangling her larger opponent feet off the canvass, as he pleads for mercy. BETHANY GIURA dumbs him to the rub his face immediately into her crouch after windshield wiper side to side .... one, .... two, .... three, .... four, .... five, .... six, .... seven, .... eight times all up, each time making her hornier & hornier. BETHANY GIURA pulls up ROAD DOGG to scope him up to BODY SLAM him into the turnbuckle corner ( bottom right of screen ) & then she rubs her breasts daring BILLY GUNN to come get some, but he is so transfixed by the size of her breasts that he almost zombie like tags in & wanders into a  BETHANY GIURA POWER PRESS HOISTS converted into a TORTURE RACK as she scream at him beg me to stop breaking you. BETHANY GIURA is destroying him with little regard for his well being. JULIANA SALIMENI applauds her partners antics to which ROAD DOGG who is suffering on the apron as he is lying down recovering from the beating he took. BETHANY GIURA makes BILLY GUNN tap out, as she finally releases him reluctantly & the fans cheer, as THIS MATCH IS ALL OVER.

BY Submisison


03-14-2019, 01:30 PM, (This post was last modified: 09-12-2020, 04:39 PM by Patel777.)
RE: Entertainment wreatling fedration

This past week at the BATTLE OF THE MANIA I beat BRAWN STRAWMAN & ended the monster, yes little sweet, me, sunny leone . None of you believed I was capable of handling BRAWN STRAWMAN who has a remarkable winning record when challenging for a title. But I not only beat him, but dominated BRAWN STRAWMAN, now I have no one to face. I suppose they could find some superstars in the back, but really who'd be silly enough to risk their health against me.

Comes to the ramp

SUNNY LEONE I never had the opportunity of facing you in that ring. I have beaten divas before & I will do it again. You have no place in that ring, just like any of these divas. 

I beg to differ on that Lesnar. But seems like the only way to prove otherwise is that we face off. 

Why do you think i am out here, since none of these weak souls back here have the back bone to face you, I will. I want to be champion & you stand in my way. Now you can bet I want you in that ring, but since we have a cage already hanging high above this ring, lets make it a cage match for your title.

Brock lesnar you crazy, ( she walks away parading around her title & absorbing the fans chanting her name ) do you have any idea what I will do to you, when I am caged. You think your mean & vicious, ha, wait till you see me unleash my fury in this cage on you. Your on.

Yeah, but lets make it even more interesting champ, how about a 2-3 falls match.

It'll be your funeral, since you have no idea what your getting yourself into, however I will be a fighting champion & what better then to beat you. Lets get a referee out here & go for it.




The following match is a Best of 3 falls match in a steel cage for the Heavyweight Championship.

 Standing in the corner ( bottom right of screen ) the challenger  
 Introducing his opponent she is the
[Image: images?q=tbn%3AANd9GcT_avYPb7iZscDkYsv-W...IMqiMa4z-2]


Here we go, SUNNY LEONE locked in a steel cage against Brock lesnar who is all at him in these types of environments. Brock lesnar ( with his back to the top right of screen corner in the middle of the ring ) easily locks up to SUNNY LEONE & forces her to the ropes ( far side of the ring ) where Brock Lesnar immediately Irish Whips SUNNY LEONE ( from far side of the ring ropes to the main camera ropes ) on her return Brock Lesnar SPINNING SPINE BUSTER SLAMS SUNNY LEONE to the canvass & then gets up to his feet pumped with many fans cheering his powerful display from the outset. Brock Lesnar flexing his muscles as he bounces about on his feet like a prized fighter. Lesnar showing his mean streak as he waits for SUNNY LEONE to get up to RUNNING CLOTHES LINES ( starting point bottom right of screen & connects middle of the ring ) as SUNNY LEONE got up groggy, but she did get up. Brock Lesnar turns to taunt the fans booing him, whilst the champion has the fans chanting her name " SUNNY  ............ SUNNY, ................ SUNNY, ............ SUNNY, ........................ SUNNY', as she does get up, as Brock Lesnar waits to move in & Lesnar ( with his back to the top right of screen, inside this steel cage ) SPINNING SUPLEX SUNNY LEONE to the canvass, as he dominates her from the opening bell. 

Brock Lesnar on fire, as he demonstrates to the world what lies ahead for SUNNY LEONE should she keep fighting on. Lesnar moves in to whip SUNNY LEONE ( from the middle of the ring to the far side of the ring ) & on her return SUNNY LEONE FLYING LARIAT CLOTHES LINES to bowl over the challenger Brock Lesnar. SUNNY LEONE having popped up to her feet very quickly, catches Lesnar on the hop who got up a fraction later to his feet & Lesnar in the process copped a beautifully measured & time a RUNNING DOUBLE DROP KICKS to the chest of Lesnar sending him flying from near the corner ( top right of screen, inside this steel cage ) & then into that corner with a major thud. SUNNY LEONE gets up to see Lesnar wondering where that aggression came from & now SUNNY LEONE stands on the middle rope pulling the head of Lesnar back as her fist is cocked & SUNNY LEONE with Lesnar hands trapped under her heels standing on the palms of each hand to prevent him from using his hands is being mauled as SUNNY LEONE RAPID FURY RIGHTS the face of Lesnar .... once, ....... twice, ...... third, ........... fourth, ............ fifth, ................ sixth, ............... seventh, .................. eighth, ........................ninth timeSUNNY LEONE then sways her hips & in the process CROUCH STINKS giving Lesnar a lap dance practically in his face ( for .... one, .... two, .... three, .... four, .... five, .... six, .... seven, .... eight seconds ). 

SUNNY LEONE steps down & Away from lesnar who staggers away from the corner & SUNNY LEONE KARATE KNIFE EDGE CHOPS Lesnar with such force it lifts him off his feet, before he lands on his back on the canvass, near the corner ( top right of screen corner ). SUNNY LEONE pulls up Lesnar to his feet to take her time to measure her next move ( .... one, .... two, .... three, .... four seconds ) & SUNNY LEONE ( with her back to the main camera ) ONE HANDED CHOKE LIFTS Lesnar ( for .... one, .... two, .... three, .... four, .... five seconds ) & at the same time taunts Lesnar " You messed with the wrong diva bitch " SUNNY LEONE CHOKE SLAMS Lesnar to the canvass. Lesnar rolling side to side trying to shake the cobwebs out of his head, whilst realizing what all the fuse is about SUNNY LEONE, now he knows, however SUNNY LEONE knows too how strong Lesnar is & how much work she has ahead of herself to retain her EWF HEAVYWEIGHT CHAMPIONSHIP BELT.

SUNNY LEONE pulls up Lesnar as the 1st fall still continues as now SUNNY LEONE ( with her back to the commentators, right of screen ABDOMINAL STRETCHES Lesnar who is fighting this hold applied by the champion SUNNY LEONE the whole time she taunts him " Lesnar you are strong, I will not deny that, but you are no match for me, I will use you as a stepping to again show case,what happens when you challenge me or any one for that matter, do you hear me ", as SUNNY LEONE tugs even harder on her hold making Lesnar scream in pain as he tries to fight through the pain barrier he is currently suffering. Lesnar however greets his teeth to HIP TOSS SUNNY LEONE off him & as she gets up Lesnar first to follow up quickly, showing he is far from a spent force & spurred on by what SUNNY LEONE just told him & Brock lesnar ( with his back to the titantorn ) immediately MILITARY PRESS SLAMS her actually hurls her against the steel cage as she thrashed about trying to prevent it feverishly & as a result the entire cage shook so violently due to the impact of the SUNNY LEONE crashing against it ( right of screen, in front of the commentators outside the steel cage )as she lands on the apron, jammed up against the steel cage vulnerable right now. SUNNY LEONE is pulled to her feet nice & slow, allowing the challenger Brock Lesnar to suck in the big ones & compose himself, as Lesnar VERTICAL SUPLEX SUNNY LEONE from standing on the apron to using the move to bring her back into the ring & now Lesnar ( holds her for .... one, .... two, .... three, .... four, .... five, .... six, .... seven, .... eight, .... nine, .... ten seconds ) before he completes the move. 

SUNNY LEONE left in his wake to regroup, as she tries to get up off the canvass, decked out in all bikini outfit. Brock lesnar pulls up SUNNY LEONE to execute a POWERFUL BACK BREAK RELEASE on her & then proceed to slap her around to the back of her head as he taunts her a little now, payback he tells her is a bitch. Lesnar pulls up SUNNY LEONE to place her on his shoulders for the F 5, as Lesnar ( facing the main camera ) winds up to execute the move, however SUNNY LEONE lands on her feet & Lesnar lands on the canvass to look up & see why the crowd has erupted. SUNNY LEONE doesn't wait around for any invitations so SUNNY LEONE PUNT KICKS Lesnar to the throat then face with her heels making a thud against he flesh of his skin. SUNNY LEONE pulls Lesnar up to his feet & Miss Elizabeth now ( with her back to the top right of screen corner ) VERTICAL SUPLEX into a POWER BACK BREAK into a PIN FALL .... one, .... two count, as BROCK LESNAR POWERFUL KICKS OUT. Brock Lesnar however remains on the canvass, but in a sit up position, as SUNNY LEONE places Lesnar in a KNEELING DRAGON SLEEPER 

with BODY SCISSORS him in the middle of the ring inside this steel cage with no where to go. 

SUNNY LEONE biting on his ear, as if a love bite to arouse him to fight on, as SUNNY LEONE all steamy, all goddess hot, all woman like is handling the powerful man mountains Lesnar. SUNNY LEONE pulls up Lesnar who has weakened from her submission hold quite a lot. SUNNY LEONE then places Lesnar on her shoulder easily now to REVERSE BACK BUSTER him over her right shoulder to demonstrate her sex appeal in performing this powerful move with grace, elegance, beauty & sexual appeal, as she JACK HAMMERS Lesnar to the canvass to leave him sprawled out in the middle of the ring. SUNNY LEONE drops down to FACE SMOTHER Lesnar with her ass to rub his face & leave the challenger rolling his legs gently side to side as if about to pass out from this move. SUNNY LEONE now places Lesnar in a REVERSE HEAD SCISSOR without requiring to get up to apply a new hold. SUNNY LEONE taunting Lesnar " Give up Lesnar or hear the crack of her neck break between my sexy thighs which I might add can crash a water melon to bits"

Lesnar taps out as he lives to carry on for the second fall as the referee motions that Lesnar has indeed tapped out & the score is 1-0 in favor of SUNNY LEONESUNNY LEONE brushing her hair, whilst Lesnar has given medical treatment, as he is in bad physical shape. The medicos suggest or try to inform that Lesnar is done, as SUNNY LEONE demands the referee signal the 2nd fall under way.


SUNNY LEONE places Lesnar in a REVERSE BACK BUSTER yet again as he can be heard moaning & groaning in a distressful state & the medicos demanding this match end, but Lesnar refusing to go out like this, however SUNNY LEONE is not relenting as she stretches out Lesnar with this elegant but powerful move to make her opponent convulse in her hands. SUNNY LEONE hurls Lesnar to the canvass to ask the medicos to leave so they don't get hurt. Lesnar is lying on the canvass crawling away towards the corner ( top left of screen corner ) as SUNNY LEONE sexily with hands on hips swaying stalks him to tell him " lesnar where are you going, you see this is a steel cage, you are trapped in here with me & i will make you pay ", as SUNNY LEONE pulls up Lesnar to his feet to set him up [Image: tumblr_paxyzdySBG1u1urgoo2_400.gif] LAST RIDE Lesnar to the canvass to leave him out cold as she places a heels on her chest whilst posing for modeling shots, as the referee counts .... one, .... two, .... three count, asTHIS MATCH IS ALL OVER. How quick did she finish him off in this second fall & showed a little compassion for her defeated opponent. 





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